| University of Valladolid Social Council Research Award in the category of 'Departments, Chairs, Education Centers, University Institutes, and Research Groups', 2016 |
| IV Award of 'Fundación Tecnología y Salud' for the design and development of technological solutions in medicine, 2012 |
| "Mutual Médica Bioingeniería" Prize awarded by the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Valladolid for the work: "New perspectives in the pathophysiology of sepsis thanks to genetic co-expression networks" has received the "Mutual Médica Bioingeniería" Prize, carried out by Javier Gomez, Pedro Martinez, Esther Gomez, Roberto Hornero and Eduardo Tamayo., 2023 |
| Young Researchers Award for the best articles published in 2021 in Bioengineering of CIBER-BBN for "A convolutional neural
network architecture to enhance oximetry ability to diagnose pediatric obstructive sleep apnea", by Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Daniel Álvarez, Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Verónica Barroso-García, Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez, Félix del Campo, David Gozal, Roberto Hornero, 2022 |
| Young Researchers Award for the best articles published in 2021 in Bioengineering of CIBER-BBN for "Abnormal meta-state activation of dynamic brain networks across the Alzheimer spectrum", by Pablo Núñez, Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, Víctor Rodríguez-González, Arjan Hillebrand, Prejaas Tewarie, Miguel A. Tola-Arribas, Mónica Cano, Roberto Hornero, 2022 |
| Young Researchers Award for the best article published in 2020 in Bioengineering of CIBER-BBN for "EEG-Inception: A Novel Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Assistive ERP-Based Brain-Computer, Interfaces", by Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Roberto Hornero, 2021 |
| Top 10 Cited Paper 2006-2008 Award in Medical Engineering and Physics for the paper 'Analysis of EEG background activity in Alzheimer's disease patients with Lempel-Ziv complexity and central tendency measure', 2009 |
| Top 10 Cited Paper 2006-2008 Award in Medical Engineering and Physics for the paper 'Complexity analysis of the magnetoencephalogram background activity in Alzheimer's disease patients', 2009 |
| 'The 2008 Perkins Prize', of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), for the best paper in Medical Engineering and Physics in 2007: 'J. Poza, R. Hornero, D. Abásolo, A. Fernández, M. García, Extraction of spectral based measures from MEG background oscillations in Alzheimer’s disease, Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 29(10), pp. 1073-1083, 2007', 2008 |
| Finalist in the XI Edition of the Vodafone Connecting for Good for Telecommunications Innovations Awards, awarded by the Fundación Vodafone España, for the project: 'Navegador Web controlado mediante Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) orientado a personas con grave discapacidad', 2017 |
| Prize to the best innovative proposal in the 'Taller de preparación de propuestas INNOvadoras para participar en el proyecto europeo INNOLABS', awarded by the Clúster de Salud de Castilla y León (BIOTECYL), carryed out by Verónica Barroso-García, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal y Roberto Hornero Sánchez, 2017 |
| Innovative Solutions for improving the Quality of Life Award in the group ‘Ageing’ modality, organized by the Campus de Excelencia Internacional (CEI) Triangular E-3, for the project: “Plataforma Brain-Computer Interface de Entrenamiento Cognitivo para Atenuar los Efectos del Envejecimiento”, conducted by Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Javier Gomez-Pilar y Roberto Hornero, 2017 |
| Second Prize in Public Interest Associations of the University-Company Challenge Contest (2015-2016 edition), organized by Fundación Universidades y Enseñanzas Superiores de Castilla y León (FUESCYL), for the project entitled: 'Navegador web accesible controlado mediante BCI basado en potenciales P300, a partir de una demanda tecnológica de la Asociación Leonesa de Daño Cerebral Sobrevenido (ALEN)', 2016 |
| Finalist in the Annual BCI Research Award 2014 for the project: 'Neurofeedback training by motor imagery based-BCI improves neurocognitive areas in elderly people', carried out by Javier Gomez-Pilar, Rebeca Corralejo, Daniel Álvarez and Roberto Hornero, 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, University of Technology, Graz (Austria), 2014 |
| ADE2020 2014 award for the project 'Somnus', developed to simplify the sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome diagnosis, awarded by the Agencia de Desarrollo de la Junta de Castilla y León, and conducted by Medernova/Five Flames Mobile in collaboration with the Biomedical Engineering Group (Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez, Félix del Campo y Gonzalo Gutiérrez), 2014 |
| Second Prize of Foundation Caser Awards in the category of R+D on Dependence for the work entitled 'Diseño y Evaluación de un Sistema Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Orientado a Mejorar la Calidad de Vida de las Personas Dependientes', by Roberto Hornero, Rebeca Corralejo and Daniel Álvarez, 2013 |
| Social Responsability Prize 2013 awarded by the University of Valladolid for the project 'Aplicación BCI para aumentar la independencia y autonomía de personas con grave discapacidad, fomentando su inclusión social', by Rebeca Corralejo, 2013 |
| OVAS (Ophthalmology Vision Awards Spain) Prize to innovative initiatives for uncovered needs in Ophthalmology, for the project 'Desarrollo de un sistema automatizado de procesado digital de imágenes para cribaje de la Retinopatía Diabética', awarded by Novartis and with the cooperation of the Spanish Society of Retina and Vitreo (SERV), 2011 |
| Foundation 3M 2010 Innovation Awards in the category of 'Industry'; for the work entitled 'Extracción de Características de Electroencefalogramas en Sistemas Brain Computer Interface (BCI). Aplicación de un sistema BCI al Control de Dispositivos Domóticos', by Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez and Rebeca Corralejo, 2010 |
| First place in the CAMPUS EMPRENDE 2009 Awards in the Business Project category of for the work entitled 'Biosoft Resources – Herramientas y Servicios de Ingeniería Biomédica', awarded by Fundación Universidades de Castilla y León in their line of Enterprising Activity and Creation of Business with a Technological Basis of the University-Enterprise Strategy of Castilla y León 2008-2011, carried out by Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez and José Víctor Marcos, 2009 |
| Foundation 3M 2008 Innovation Awards in the category of 'Industry' for the work entitled 'Clasificación de características espectrales y no lineales mediante una red neuronal en la ayuda al diagnóstico de la apnea obstructiva del sueño', by Roberto Hornero, Félix del Campo, Daniel Álvarez y J. Víctor Marcos, 2008 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Verónica Barroso-García for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Analysis of Overnight Airflow to Help in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal. University of Valladolid, 2023 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Automated analysis of the oximetry signal to simplify the diagnosis of pediatric sleep apnea: from feature-engineering to deep-learning approaches'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez. University of Valladolid, 2023 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Pablo Núñez for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Characterization of local activation and network dynamics from electrical brain activity: application to schizophrenia, mild cognitive impairment and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. University of Valladolid, 2023 |
| COIT-AEIT Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Telecommunication Engineering Technologies and Applications for the Doctoral Thesis by Pablo Núñez, entitled "Characterization of local activation and network dynamics from electrical brain activity: application to schizophrenia, mild cognitive impairment and dementia due to Alzheimer' disease". Directors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. Awarded by the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, 2023 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Víctor Martínez-Cagigal for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Toward Practical P300-based Brain–Computer Interfaces: Asynchrony, Channel Selection and Assistive Applications'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. University of Valladolid, 2022 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Bioengineering', awarded to Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Automated analysis of the oximetry signal to simplify the diagnosis of pediatric sleep apnea: from feature-engineering to deep-learning approaches'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez. Comité Español de Automática (CEA), 2022 |
| Enrique Fuentes Quintana (FUNCAS) Award for the best doctoral thesis in the Engineering, Mathematics, Architecture or Physics category for the thesis "Characterization of neural activity using Complex Network Theory. Applucation to the identification of the altered neural substrates in schizophrenia", carried out by Javier Gómez Pilar and directed by Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. (Call 2018-2019), 2020 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Javier Gómez Pilar for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Characterization of Neural Activity using Complex Network Theory. Application to the Identification of the Altered Neural Substrates in Schizophrenia'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. University of Valladolid, 2020 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Bioengineering', awarded to Javier Gomez-Pilar for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Characterization of Neural Activity using Complex Network Theory. Application to the Identification of the Altered Neural Substrates in Schizophrenia'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. Comité Español de Automática (CEA), 2019 |
| Winner of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition for the work 'Avoiding blindness: diabetic retinopathy under control', awarded by the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid (EsDUVa). Roberto Romero Oraá. Advisor: María García Gadañón, 2019 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Alejandro Bachiller Matarranz for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Characterization of Dynamical Neural Activity by means of EEG data: Application to Schizophrenia'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. University of Valladolid, 2018 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Bioengineering', awarded to Alejandro Bachiller Matarranz for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Characterization of Dynamical Neural Activity by means of EEG data: Application to Schizophrenia'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Jesús Poza. Comité Español de Automática (CEA), 2018 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Gonzalo César Gutiérrez Tobal for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Pattern recognition applied to airflow recordings to help in sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome diagnosis'. Advisors: Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez. University of Valladolid, 2017 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Rebeca Corralejo Palacios for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Decoding P300 evoked potentials for brain computer interfaces (BCI) aimed at assisting potential end-users at home'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. University of Valladolid, 2017 |
| Winner of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition for the work 'Changing the diagnostic paradigm of sleep apnea', awarded by the Doctoral School of the University of Valladolid (EsDUVa). Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez Tobal. Advisors: Roberto Hornero Sánchez y Daniel Álvarez González, 2016 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of “Engineering and Architecture” to José Víctor Marcos Martín for the Thesis entitled 'Analysis of Nocturnal Oximetry Recordings using Pattern Recognition Techniques to Assist in the Diagnosis of the Sleep Apnoea-Hypopnoea Syndrome'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero Sánchez. University of Valladolid, 2012 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of 'Engineering and Architecture', awarded to Daniel Álvarez González for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Extracción y selección de características de la señal de saturación de oxígeno en sangre para la ayuda al diagnóstico de la apnea obstructiva del sueño'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. University of Valladolid, 2012 |
| Fundación ORANGE Award for the best PhD Thesis in New Technologies for Disability, awarded to Daniel Álvarez González for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Extracción y selección de características de la señal de saturación de oxígeno en sangre para la ayuda al diagnóstico de la apnea obstructiva del sueño'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT), 2012 |
| Fundación ORANGE Award for the best PhD Thesis in New Technologies for Disability, awarded to Javier Escudero Rodríguez for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Application of Blind Source Separation to teh Magnetoencephalogram Background Activity in Alzheimer’s Disease'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero and Daniel Abásolo. Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT), 2011 |
| Fundación ORANGE Award for the best PhD Thesis in New Technologies for Disability, awarded to Carlos Gómez Peña for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Análisis no lineal de registros magnetoenceflográficos para la ayuda en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Alzheimer'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT), 2010 |
| Fundación VODAFONE Award for the best PhD Thesis in New Telecommunication Services for the Promotion of Self-Sufficiency, awarded to María García Gadañón for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Procesado de retinografías basado en redes neuronales para la detección automática de lesiones asociadas a la retinopatía diabética'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT), 2010 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of “Engineering and Architecture”, awarded to Carlos Gómez Peña for the PhD Thesis entitled “Análisis no lineal de registros magnetoenceflográficos para la ayuda en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Alzheimer”. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. University of Valladolid, 2010, 2010 |
| Fundación ORANGE Award for the best PhD Thesis in New Technologies for Disability, awarded to Jesús Poza Crespo for the PhD Thesis entitled 'Análisis tiempo-frecuencia de la actividad magnetoencefalográfica espontánea en la enfermedad de Alzheimer'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT), 2009 |
| PhD Thesis Special Award in the field of “Engineering and Architecture”, awarded to Jesús Poza Crespo for the PhD Thesis entitled “Análisis tiempo-frecuencia de la actividad magnetoencefalográfica espontánea en la enfermedad de Alzheimer”. Advisor: Roberto Hornero. University of Valladolid, 2009, 2009 |
| ASISA Award for the Best Master's Thesis in Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Health: Study of alterations in the functional neuronal network associated with the progression of dementia due to Alzheimer's disease, by Marcos Revilla Vallejo. XLI edition of the Telecommunications Engineers Awards. Official College of Telecommunications Engineers, 2021 |
| Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT) 2013 Award for the Finalist of best Degree Final Project in Engineering and Medicine (ASISA category) by Javier Gómez-Pilar, entitled 'Análisis Espectral y No Lineal de la Variabilidad del Ritmo Cardiaco para la Ayuda al Diagnóstico del Síndrome de Apnea-Hipopnea del Sueño'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez, 2013 |
| Telecomunication Engineering Association (COIT) 2006 Award for the best Degree Final Project in New Communication Technologies Applied to Health and Medicine (ADESLAS category) by Daniel Álvarez, entitled 'Análisis de la Saturación de Oxígeno en Sangre y Frecuencia Cardiaca para la Ayuda en el Diagnóstico del Síndrome de la Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño'. Advisor: Roberto Hornero, 2006 |
| Best scientific conference paper at the XLIII Congress of the Sociedad Castellano-leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, for the study entitled "Influencia del material particulado en las visitas a urgencias por agudización de asma bronquial. Estudio de casos cruzados", carried out by Fernando Gil Diez, Karla Margarita Cordero Camacho, Claudia Beigveder Durante, Ángela Álvarez Suárez, Raúl López Izquierdo, Daniel Álvarez González, Félix Del Campo Matía and Tomás Ruiz Albi., 2024 |
| Poster prize winner at the European Headache Congress (EHC) 2022 for the work entitled "Characterization of the spectral content of resting-state electroencephalographic activity in chronic migraine female patients", by Víctor Gutiérrez-de Pablo, Ángel Luis Guerrero, David García-Azorín, Álvaro Sierra-Mencía, Javier Gomez-Pilar, Jesús Poza, Roberto Hornero y Carlos Gómez, 2022 |
| Winner of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 40th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2022) for the study entitled 'Alteraciones patológicas de la estructura neurofisiológica en los
diferentes subtipos de migraña en mujeres’, by V. Gutiérrez-de Pablo, J. Gómez-Pilar, V. Rodríguez-González. J. Poza, A. L. Guerrero, M. Alves-Ferreira, N. Pinto, R. Hornero, C. Gómez, 2022 |
| Third award in the IFMBE Scientific Challenge Competition at World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (IUPESM WC2022, Singapore) for the work entitled 'Assessment of Residual Deep Neural Networks and AdaBoost to predict adherence to digital-based active and healthy aging interventions', by Sergio Pérez-Velasco, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez y Roberto Hornero, 2022 |
| Third prize of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 39th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2021) for the study entitled 'Análisis de las alteraciones en la organización jerárquica de la actividad neuronal debidas a la enfermedad de Alzheimer’, by V. Gutiérrez-de Pablo, C. Gómez, J. Poza, J. Gómez-Pilar, R. Hornero, 2021 |
| Third prize in the BR41N.IO Brain–Computer Interface Designer's Hackathon 2021 for the project 'Towards P300 calibration-less single-trial classification' at the BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School. Authors: Eduardo Santamaría-Vázquez, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Sergio Pérez-Velasco, Diego Marcos-Martínez, Anjali, & Katherine, 2021 |
| Third prize of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 38th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2020) for the study entitled 'Redes de asociación: una nueva forma de explorar la huella fisiopatológica de la enfermedad de Alzheimer’ by V. Gutiérrez-de Pablo, C. Gómez, J. Poza, A. Maturana-Candelas, J. Gómez-Pilar, M. Revilla-Vallejo, R. Hornero, 2020 |
| Young Investigator Award in the competition for under 45 years old investigators held at XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2019), for the study entitled 'Network analysis on overnight EEG spectrum to assess relationships between paediatric sleep apnoea and cognition' by Gonzalo César Gutiérrez Tobal, Javier Gomez Pilar, Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, Adrián Martín Montero, Jesús Poza Crespo, Daniel Álvarez González, Félix del Campo Matías, David Gozal y Roberto Hornero Sánchez. Coimbra, Portugal, 2019 |
| Second place in the Brain-Computer Interface Scientific Challenge granted by the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering during the XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2019) for the study entitled ‘Deep learning architecture based on the combination of convolutional and recurrent layers for ERP-based brain-computer interfaces', by Eduardo Santamaría Vázquez, Víctor Martínez Cagigal, Javier Gomez Pilar, Roberto Hornero Sánchez. Coimbra, Portugal, 2019 |
| Winner of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 37th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2019) for the study entitled 'Influencia de la reserva cognitiva en los patrones neurofisiológicos asociados a la evolución de la enfermedad de Alzheimer’ by V. Rodríguez-González, V. Gutiérrez-de Pablo, J. Poza, C. Gómez, M.A. Tola-Arribas, M. Cano del Pozo, R. Hornero, 2019, 2019 |
| Winner of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 36th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2018) for the study entitled 'Caracterización de la apnea del sueño infantil mediante nuevas bandas espectrales del EEG' by A. Martín Montero, G. C. Gutiérrez Tobal, J. Poza Crespo, D. Álvarez González, F. Vaquerizo Villar, V. Barroso García, S.J. Ruiz-Gómez, L. Kheirandish-Gozal, F. del Campo, D. Gozal, R. Hornero Sánchez, 2018, 2018 |
| Award for the second best poster of the 'I Jornada de Investigación en Bioingeniería y Medicina', carried out by Aarón Maturana Candelas, 2018 |
| Winner of the José María Ferrero Corral award of the 35th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2017) for the study entitled 'Estudio de la conectividad neuronal dinámica en la enfermedad de Alzheimer', by P. Núñez, J. Poza, C. Gómez, S.J. Ruiz-Gómez, A. Martín, M.A. Tola-Arribas, M. Cano, R. Hornero, 2017 |
| Prize to the best poster at 'III Jornada de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicaciones' carried out by Roberto Romero-Oraá, 2017 |
| Prize to the best poster at 'II Jornada de doctorandos en Investigación Biomédica' awarded by the 'Instituto de Biología y Genética Molecular (IBGM)' and carried out by Roberto Romero-Oraá, 2017 |
| Prize to the best oral exposition at 'III Jornada de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Telecomunicaciones' carried out by Javier Gomez-Pilar, 2017 |
| Second best conference paper in the XXV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española del Sueño, for the study entitled 'Transformada wavelet de la señal de oximetría nocturna y variables antropométricas en la ayuda al diagnóstico automático de la apnea del sueño infantil', awarded by the Sociedad Española del Sueño (SES), carried out by Daniel Álvarez González, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Andrea Crespo Sedano, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Verónica Barroso-García, Ana Cerezo Hernández, Graciela López Muñiz, Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, David Gozal, Roberto Hornero Sánchez, Félix del Campo Matías, 2017 |
| SOCALPAR 2016 Award for the work entitled 'Estudio comparativo de la utilidad de la polisomnografía domiciliaria frente a la hospitalaria como método diagnóstico del síndrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño', awarded by SOCALPAR Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, carried out by Andrea Crespo-Sedano, Ainhoa Arroyo, Julio de Frutos, Ana Cerezo, Daniel Álvarez, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Roberto Hornero, Félix del Campo, 2016 |
| SOCALPAR 2016 Award for the work entitled 'Utilidad de una red neuronal basada en características demográficas y de oximetría nocturna como método ayuda al diagnóstico del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño en niños', awarded by SOCALPAR Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, carried out by Felix del Campo, Daniel Alvarez, Andrea Crespo, Tania Alvaro, Gonzalo C. Gutierrez-Tobal, Ainhoa Arroyo, Julio de Frutos, Tomas Ruiz, Veronica Barroso-García, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, David Gozal, Roberto Hornero, 2016 |
| Third place in the XXXIV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2016) for the study entitled 'Análisis espectral de la señal de flujo aéreo como ayuda al diagnóstico del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño en niños', by Verónica Barroso-García, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Leila Kheirandish-Gozal, Daniel Álvarez, Fernando Vaquerizo-Villar, Andrea Crespo, Félix del Campo, David Gozal and Roberto Hornero, 2016 |
| SOCALPAR 2015 Award for the work entitled 'Eficacia diagnóstica de la pulsioximetría nocturna en el ámbito domiciliario frente al hospitalario en pacientes con sospecha de sindrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño', awarded by SOCALPAR Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, carried out by Andrea Crespo, Félix del Campo, Laura Juez, Graciela López, Tania Álvaro, Julio de Frutos, Ainhoa Arroyo, Tomás Ruiz, Daniel Álvarez, Gonzalo C. Gutiérrez-Tobal, Roberto Hornero, 2015 |
| Second place in the XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2015) for the study entitled 'Caracterización de la Dinámica en la Eficiencia de la Red Neuronal en Esquizofrenia en Tarea Cognitiva Auditiva', Javier Gomez-Pilar, Jesús Poza, Alejandro Bachiller, Carlos Gómez, Vicente Molina and Roberto Hornero, 2015 |
| Second place in the XXXII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB 2014) for the study entitled 'Caracterización de Potenciales Evocados del EEG en Esquizofrenia mediante Teoría de Redes Complejas', Javier Gomez-Pilar, Alejandro Bachiller, Jesús Poza, Carlos Gómez, Vicente Molina and Roberto Hornero, 2014 |
| Finalist in The Annual BCI Research Award 2014 for the study entitled 'Neurofeedback training by motor imagery based-BCI improves neurocognitive areas in elderly people', Javier Gomez-Pilar, Rebeca Corralejo, Daniel Álvarez and Roberto Hornero, 2014 |
| First place in the Young Investigator Competition at the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2013) for the study entitled 'AdaBoost Classification to Detect Sleep Apnea from Airflow Recordings', Gonzalo César Gutiérrez Tobal, Daniel Álvarez González, Javier Gómez Pilar, Félix del Campo Matías and Roberto Hornero Sánchez, 2013 |
| SOCALPAR 2012 Award for the work entitled 'Estudio comparativo entre un método automático de estimación del índice de apnea hipopnea y la poligrafía respiratoria nocturna en pacientes con sospecha de síndrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño', awarded by SOCALPAR Sociedad Castellano-Leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, carried out by Félix del Campo, Tomás Ruiz, Roberto Hornero, J. Víctor Marcos, Daniel Álvarez, Ainhoa Arroyo and Julio de Frutos, 2012 |
| Third place of the Student Competition of the 28th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2010) for the study entitled 'Diseño de un algoritmo genético como método de selección de características en un sistema BCI basado en ritmos sensoriomotores' ('Design of a genetic algorithm as feature selection method in a sensorimotor rhythm-based BCI system'), Rebeca Corralejo, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez and Luis Miguel San José, 2010 |
| SOCALPAR 2009 BOEHRINGER – PFIZER Award for the work entitled 'Utilidad de una red neuronal en el diagnóstico del síndrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño', awarded by PNEUMA – SOCALPAR Fundación Castellano-Leonesa y Cántabra de Patología Respiratoria, carried out by Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero, Carlos Zamarrón, Daniel Álvarez and J. Víctor Marcos, 2009 |
| SOCALPAR 2008 OXIGENSALUD Award for the work entitled 'Análisis no lineal de la actividad electroencefalográfica de los pacientes con síndrome de apnea hipopnea del sueño en relación con la presencia o no de somnolencia excesiva diurna', by Félix del Campo, Roberto Hornero, Julio de Frutos, Ainhoa Arroyo, Daniel Álvarez and J. Víctor Marcos, 2008 |
| Winner of the Student Competition of the 26th Annual Conference of the Spanish Society on Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB 2008) for the study entitled "Combinación de una red perceptron multicapa y una red de funciones de base radial para la ayuda en la detección de la apnea obstructiva del sueño a partir de la oximetría nocturna" ("Combination of a multilayer perceptron network and a radial basis function network to help in the detection of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome from nocturnal oximetry"), J. Víctor Marcos, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Álvarez, Félix Del Campo, Carlos Zamarrón y Miguel López, 2008 |
| Third Place and Geographic Finalist (European Region) in the EMBS Student Paper Competition held at the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007) for the work 'Magnetoencephalogram Blind Source Separation and Component Selection Procedure to Improve the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Patients,' by Javier Escudero, Roberto Hornero, Daniel Abásolo, Alberto Fernández and Jesús Poza, 2007 |
| SOCALPAR 2005 ASTRA-ZENECA Award for the work entitled 'Estudio de la función cognitiva en pacientes con síndrome de apnea del sueño valorada mediante el test de generación de ritmos aleatorios y su respuesta al tratamiento con ventilación nasal nocturna', by Félix del Campo, Julio de Frutos, Ainhoa Arroyo, Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez, 2005 |
| SOCALPAR 2005 CONTSE Award for the work entitled 'Utilidad de una red neuronal y del análisis no lineal de las señales poligráficas respiratorias en el diagnóstico domiciliario del síndrome de apnea del sueño', by Félix del Campo, Julio de Frutos, Carlos Zamarrón, Roberto Hornero and Daniel Álvarez, 2005 |